Chapter 8

Reviews, Customer Loyalty and User-Generated Content


Bullet Using reviews to grow your business

Bullet Understanding the value of customer loyalty

Bullet Turning your customers into expert content creators

Bullet Keeping track of loyal and at-risk customers

If you’re building an online store, you’ve probably shopped online before too — and if you’ve shopped online before, there’s a good chance you’ve read an online store’s reviews prior to making a purchase from them, particularly when you’re shopping with them for the first time. Reviews are one of the best ways to achieve organic growth of an online brand — if they’re positive. An unhappy customer is more likely to tell people about their experience than a happy customer, so while it’s important to try and keep customers happy, it’s equally important to follow up on unhappy customers.

Loyal customers are what every business wants, because not only will they keep coming back, but they’ll also tell their friends. While ultimately, customers will decide if they’re going to pledge their allegiances to a certain brand, there’s plenty ...

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