Change bothers people. In fact, most people hate change. The very idea of changing their routines or habits makes their poor little hearts beat harder. Usually, it's because they are so comfortable in the rut they have dug that even if they are headed down the wrong path, they will stay on it because it doesn't involve any change.
People sit in a room they hate because they don't have the energy or the inclination to change the furniture around or to paint the room. People are afraid to look in the mirror or step on the scale because they know they are overweight, and to change their results they would have to change the way they eat. I know people who are afraid to go to the doctor for fear of finding something wrong, simply because it would change their lifestyle. This list could go on and on. You can think of dozens of ways people you know fear change. You probably even have areas in your life that you are afraid to change.
As for me, I love change. I routinely move my offices every couple of years. I move houses a lot too. I used to buy a new house and move every two years when I could talk my wife into it. I have lived in my current house for eight years, which is nearly an all-time record for me. But I plan on changing that soon.
Change is exciting to me. It gives me a chance to clean up and clean out and to go to work on a new space. It's like starting over physically and psychologically. I make changes in my personal life as well. ...
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