Chapter 14

Deciding When to Change Directions or Pull the Plug


Bullet Reading the side-hustle tea leaves

Bullet Evaluating your side-hustle time, money, and enjoyment

Bullet Calculating your next moves

Bullet Tidying up and moving ahead

Your side hustle is moving ahead in lockstep with your plans and expectations. You’re having a lot of fun. In fact, you’re getting ready to add one or two new side hustles to your little portfolio. Maybe you’re even seriously thinking about leaving your full-time career and turning this particular side hustle into the hustle.

Or not.

Perhaps your side hustle has taken a turn for the worse. Where did your customers go? Where did your side gigs go? Where did your money go?

Maybe all is well with your side hustle, but an even more promising one just crossed your radar, and there’s no way to do both, so something’s gotta give!

If you’re right on track with your side-hustle plans with clear sailing ahead, then bravo! Enjoy the feeling of having your side-hustle aspirations come to life. At any point along your side hustle’s life span, however, you may be asking yourself ...

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