Siebel 7 with DB2 for z/OS: Database Implementation and Administration Guide

Book description

In this IBM Redbooks publication, we describe the implementation, customization, and administration of the Siebel 7 database with DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 V7 using AIX V5L or Win2000 Siebel Servers, and we discuss the following topics:

  • Installation tasks for setting up a three-tier configuration, with the application middle tier residing on AIX/Win2000 and the database tier residing on z/OS. The DB2 Connect EE V7 setup required to connect the Siebel application server to the DB2 database on z/OS is also discussed.

  • Customization of the Siebel schema for a production environment.

  • Migration from a development system to a production system.

  • Database administration tasks including:
    - Monitoring dynamic SQL
    - Identifying and inactivating unused indexes
    - Table partitioning
    - Statistics gathering
    - Reorg, backup, and recovery

  • Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

    Table of contents

    1. Notices
      1. Trademarks
    2. Preface
      1. The team that wrote this redbook
      2. Become a published author
      3. Comments welcome
    3. Chapter 1: Overview of Siebel 7 with DB2 for z/OS database
      1. Siebel 7 system architecture overview
      2. Siebel 7 database implementation overview
      3. Siebel 7 database administration overview
      4. DB2 for z/OS V7 functions that benefit Siebel 7
        1. Correlated subquery for UPDATE joins
        2. Self-referencing subselect with UPDATE/DELETE
        3. Online system parameters
        4. Scrollable cursors
        5. MEMBER ID for sysplex scalability
        6. Realtime statistics
        7. FETCH FIRST n ROWS
        8. Asynchronous preformatting
        9. Catalog row-level locking
        10. REORG enhancements
        11. Statistics HISTORY
        12. New monitoring indicators
      5. DB2 Connect EE V7 database connectivity
        1. DB2 database connection types
        2. DB2 Connect EE setup overview
      6. Siebel 7 database connection pooling
    4. Chapter 2: Installing the Siebel 7 system environment
      1. System configuration
        1. Siebel 7 client tier
        2. Siebel 7 mid-tier
        3. Siebel 7 database tier
      2. z/OS security setup
        1. RACF - userids and groups
        2. DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 authorization
      3. DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS setup
        1. DSNZPARM values
        2. Buffer pools and storage group
        3. DB2 objects for Siebel
        4. Stored procedures
      4. Mid-tier setup
        1. AIX V5L configuration
        2. SAMBA install and setup
        3. HTTP Web server install and setup
        4. DB2 Connect EE V7.2 installation
        5. DB2 Connect Fix Pack 5s installation
        6. DB2 Connect configuration
      5. Installation of Siebel 7 servers
        1. Installation of Siebel 7 Gateway server
        2. Installation of Siebel 7 Application server (1/2)
        3. Installation of Siebel 7 Application server (2/2)
        4. Installation of Siebel 7 database scripts
        5. Installation of Siebel 7 maintenance -
        6. Installation of Siebel 7 database schema
        7. Post-installation tasks
      6. Installation of Siebel 7 Web server and extensions
        1. Customizing the Siebel 7 Web server
      7. Installation of Siebel 7 Web server maintenance -
    5. Chapter 3: Modifying the Siebel schema for a production environment
      1. Extracting a current storage control file
      2. Modifying the storage control file - table space partitioning
        1. Running the Siebel Database Configuration utility
        2. Creating a backup table
        3. Synchronize schema definition - produce a new schema file
        4. Applying the schema changes
        5. Saving the storage control file
    6. Chapter 4: Migration from development to the production system
      1. Running dev2prod (1/2)
      2. Running dev2prod (2/2)
      3. Reviewing the schema file - applying the DDL to the production system
      4. Activating the repository imported from development
    7. Chapter 5: Identifying and removing unused, non-unique indexes
      1. Why remove indexes
      2. Which indexes to remove
      3. Siebel functional areas of interest
      4. Identifying unused, non-unique indexes
        1. In the EIM load process
        2. In Siebel online
        3. Index identification procedure
      5. Inactivation of unused indexes
    8. Chapter 6: Partitioning method using DB2 utilities
      1. Planning steps for partitioning Siebel tables
      2. Identifying candidate tables and partition columns
      3. Planning for REXX procedures
      4. Unloading the tables
        1. Reference table
        2. Unloading the data
      5. Creating new tables with partitions
      6. Loading the tables
      7. Reorganizing the tables
    9. Chapter 7: Monitoring dynamic SQL
      1. Monitoring dynamic SQL in the DSC
        1. DB2 PM Workstation Online Monitor tool
        2. Explaining SQL statement from the cache
        3. Identifying inefficient SQL
        4. Considerations on parameter markers
      2. Siebel SQL tracing
        1. Object Manager
        2. Dedicated Web client
        3. EIM performance considerations
    10. Chapter 8: Monitoring the Siebel 7 database
      1. DB2 installation considerations
        1. Database objects
        2. Free space
        3. EDM pool size
        4. Buffer pools
      2. DB2 statistics
        1. Why collect statistics
        2. What statistics should you gather for Siebel
        3. Monitoring VSAM data set extents
      3. DB2 history statistics
        1. Monitoring space growth
        2. Monitoring the rebuild of the compression dictionary
      4. DB2 realtime statistics
      5. Database reorganization
      6. Siebel-DB2 database recovery
        1. Recovery to currency
        2. Disaster recovery
        3. Point-in-time recovery (1/3)
        4. Point-in-time recovery (2/3)
        5. Point-in-time recovery (3/3)
    11. Appendix A: DB2 parameters
      1. DSNZPARM values used for the Siebel 7 installation (1/2)
      2. DSNZPARM values used for the Siebel 7 installation (2/2)
    12. Appendix B: Sample Siebel 7 generate DDL output
      1. Sample generate DLL output (1/2)
      2. Sample generate DLL output (2/2)
    13. Appendix C: Batch jobs for table space partitioning
      1. Batch job used to create a backup table space
      2. Batch job used to create a partitioned table space (1/2)
      3. Batch job used to create a partitioned table space (2/2)
    14. Appendix D: REXX procedures for table space partitioning
      1. Reference table
      2. Unload jobs and procedures (1/4)
      3. Unload jobs and procedures (2/4)
      4. Unload jobs and procedures (3/4)
      5. Unload jobs and procedures (4/4)
      6. Load jobs and procedures (1/3)
      7. Load jobs and procedures (2/3)
      8. Load jobs and procedures (3/3)
    15. Appendix E: REXX program for EXPLAIN (1/2)
    16. Appendix E: REXX program for EXPLAIN (2/2)
    17. Appendix F: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
        1. How to use the Web material
    18. Related publications
      1. IBM Redbooks
        1. Other resources
      2. Referenced Web sites
      3. How to get IBM Redbooks
        1. IBM Redbooks collections
    19. Index (1/2)
    20. Index (2/2)
    21. Back cover

    Product information

    • Title: Siebel 7 with DB2 for z/OS: Database Implementation and Administration Guide
    • Author(s): Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Steve Baker, Richard Corrihons, Rich Dale, Lou Doran, Debra Scott, Lee Siegmund, Xuan Nhut Tran, Marion Wilmot
    • Release date: March 2003
    • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
    • ISBN: None