Design and Performance of Feedback Controllers

6.1 Introduction


6.1.1 Chapter outline

6.1.2 Disturbance rejection

6.1.3 Following a command signal

6.1.4 Bandwidth limitations due to a delay

6.2 Analogue controllers


6.2.1 Nyquist stability criterion

6.2.2 Gain and phase margins

6.2.3 Unstructured plant uncertainties

6.2.4 Condition for robust stability

6.2.5 Disturbance enhancement

6.2.6 Analogue compensators

6.3 Digital controllers


6.3.1 Pulse transfer function

6.4 Internal model control (IMC)


6.4.1 Perfect plant model

6.4.2 Robust stability constraint

6.4.3 Disturbance rejection at remote error sensors

6.5 Optimal control in the time domain


6.5.1 Optimal least-squares control

6.5.2 Road noise example

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