10.2 Ray Optic Theory for Light Guidance

The condition for light guiding may be established by using Snell's law of refraction. Consider that a light ray Ei propagating in a medium of refractive index (RI) n1 is incident at the interface between two media at an angle img. The ray will be partially reflected (Er) with angle img and partially refracted (Et) with angle img into the other medium of RI n2 (Fig. 10.1). Snell's law states that

(10.1) equation

When n1 > n2, there exists an incident angle img, known as the critical angle, for which the refracted angle is 90̊, and the above relation reduces to

(10.2) equation

For angles of incidence greater than img, there is total internal reflection and no light is transmitted into medium 2.

Consider now the three-layer structure in which medium 1 having RI n1, called the core layer ...

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