SketchUp 2023: The A-Z Course to mastering 3D modeling

Video description

Welcome to this comprehensive beginner's course designed to unlock your creative potential in the realm of 3D design. Throughout this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of 3D design, the layout and functionality of SketchUp, and the techniques necessary to transform your ideas into digital reality. You will engage in hands-on projects, encouraging you to apply learned concepts while cultivating a robust understanding of SketchUp's tools and applications.

By the end of this course, you will not only grasp the essentials of SketchUp but also gain the confidence to explore more complex design challenges. You will develop a strong foundation that will serve as a stepping stone towards more advanced 3D modeling techniques.

So, whether you are an aspiring architect, an interior designer, a game developer, or someone who loves to create, this course offers a fun, flexible, and comprehensive approach to 3D modeling. Let's start modeling!

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Meta Brains and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

Table of contents

  1. Software Installation
    1. Different categories of SketchUp
    2. Setting up the trial version
    3. SketchUp installation
  2. Getting familiar with the SketchUp Interface
    1. Different templates and units
    2. Tool palettes
  3. Learning the Basics
    1. Axis and standard views in SketchUp
    2. Line tool
    3. Rectangle tool
    4. Push pull, orbit and pan tool
    5. Tape measure tool
    6. Move tool
    7. Divide and flip along
    8. Operations on inclined planes
    9. Offset tool and copying objects
    10. Selection and scaling of objects
    11. Saving and importing a file into SketchUp
    12. Freehand drawing in SketchUp
    13. Protractor tool and dimensions
    14. Textbox tool
    15. Some functions of move tool
  4. Project 1: Making a Simple 3D Model of a House
    1. Making a simple house model
    2. Making gable roof window
    3. Making windows and chimney
    4. Making the door and steps
  5. Different Shapes and Paint Bucket
    1. Polygons and circles
    2. Arcs
    3. Paint tool: Part 1
    4. Paint tool: Part 2
  6. Getting comfortable with curves
    1. Follow me tool
    2. Making a sphere using circle and follow me tool
    3. Some uses of follow me and scale tools
    4. More uses of follow me and rotate tool
    5. Face style and edge style
    6. Functions of solid tool
  7. Project 2: Furniture and Fixtures
    1. Making a bed: Part 1
    2. Making a bed: Part 2
    3. Making a bed: Part 3
    4. Making a bed: Part 4
    5. Making a bed: Part 5
    6. Making drawers
    7. Making simple lamp models
  8. 3D Modelling
    1. Importing a CAD file into SketchUp
    2. Ground floor slab
    3. Making walls
    4. Making door openings
    5. Making window openings
  9. Components in SketchUp
    1. Door component: Part 1
    2. Door component: Part 2
    3. Door component: Part 3
    4. Window component: Part 1
    5. Window component: Part 2
    6. Saving the components
  10. 3D Warehouse in SketchUp
    1. Placing the door components
    2. 3D Warehouse
    3. Completing door placement
    4. Window placement
    5. Reviewing the model
  11. Staircase and Handrail
    1. Making a staircase
    2. Making handrail outline
    3. Using follow me tool to create handrail and balusters
    4. Completing the handrail
    5. Joining the handrail
    6. Winders in staircase
  12. First Floor Slab
    1. 1F slab
    2. Applying material
    3. Editing the 1F slab
  13. Completing the House Model
    1. Importing 3d model of 1st floor
    2. Making terrace
    3. Making a gable roof
    4. Making boundary wall
    5. Applying material on boundary wall
  14. Spiral Stairs
    1. Making a spiral: Part 1
    2. Making a spiral: Part 2
    3. Making a spiral: Part 3
  15. Finishing Touch
    1. Lawn and garage floor
    2. Finishing floor
    3. Finishing the model
    4. Section plane uses
  16. Interiors
    1. Interior details
    2. Drawing room: Part 1
    3. Drawing room: Part 2
    4. Lounge: Part 1
    5. Lounge: Part 2
    6. Reviewing the model
    7. Kitchen: Part 1
    8. Kitchen: Part 2
    9. Kitchen: Part 3
  17. Scenes and Extensions in SketchUp
    1. Camera settings
    2. Scenes in SketchUp
    3. Creating an animation
    4. Extension warehouse

Product information

  • Title: SketchUp 2023: The A-Z Course to mastering 3D modeling
  • Author(s): Meta Brains
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None