Chapter 16
More Than Ten Ways to Learn About SketchUp
Checking out some great, free SketchUp information
Discovering other helpful, paid resources
SketchUp is like a little digital universe where anything is possible. With all the creative possibilities, you can almost always learn more about new modeling methods, tips, tricks, and tools.
In this chapter, we share a few resources, tools, and topics that help you take the modeling skills you learn in this book even further. Some of the stuff we cover is free, and we think the stuff that costs money is totally worth it.
Free Online Resources
At fancy receptions, Rebecca samples every item on the dessert buffet, and Aidan is the one stuffing his suit pockets with hors d’oeuvres wrapped in napkins. We love free stuff that much. So without further ado, what follows are five complimentary sources of SketchUp help.
- SketchUp training resources: SketchUp publishes first-rate materials right on its website (
):- Video tutorials: When SketchUp first launched in 2000, it became known for its excellent video tutorials. Figure 16-1 shows the series for beginners. We can’t recommend them highly enough; there’s nothing like seeing SketchUp in action.
- Self-paced tutorials: These are SketchUp files that ...
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