Chapter 10

Working with Styles and Shadows


check Giving your model some style

check Editing, saving, and sharing styles

check Finding out about the Shadows panel

check Using shadows to make models look better

check Displaying and studying accurate shadows

SketchUp is a very capable tool for presenting the stuff you build. Deciding how your models should look — loose and sketchy, quasi-photorealistic, or anything in between — can be lots of fun, and making a few good decisions can help your models communicate what they’re supposed to.

The first half of this chapter is about styles. If you’re the sort of person who likes to draw, you’re in for a treat. If you can’t draw a straight line with a ruler, you’re in for an even bigger treat. SketchUp styles are all about deciding how your geometry — all your faces and edges — will actually look.

SketchUp’s Shadows feature is an awesome tool for presenting models. Displaying shadows is an easy operation; it’s a matter of clicking a button. When you add shadows ...

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