Chapter 7

Painting with Colors, Textures, and Photo-Matching

Objective: This chapter discusses how to apply and edit color and texture paints.

Tools: Paint Bucket, Eyedropper (Sampler), Fixed Pins, Free Pins

Concepts and Functions: painting, texturing, tiles, tiling, collection, Materials browser, Palette/Color Picker, create materials, adjust a material, color wheel/slider, colors in model, sample, tile square, tiling, import colors and textures, Mac color wells, check face orientation, face style, RGB number, import as texture, import as image, purge unused material, seamless pattern, open a digital imaging program within SketchUp, model a picture frame, straighten a skewed raster image, link a local textures collection, project a texture on a curved face, photo-match

In Chapter 6 we modeled a house and living room. Here, we’ll apply color and textures to that living room. First we’ll use native file swatches (thumbnail files of color and pattern) to learn the process. Then we’ll import and edit swatches to represent a real-world design scheme.

What Is Painting?

Painting, also called filling, is the application of color and texture files to a model. Colors are files of solid pigment. Textures are files that have color and pattern, the pattern being a photo of a material that tiles, or repeats itself, to cover a face. These files are kept in product-specific collections at Window>Materials.

Paint with Native SketchUp Materials

At Window>Materials, scroll to Colors (Figure 7-1 ...

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