
Why You Need This Book and Why You Need a Big Vision

It's no secret that there are a million business books out there. Almost anything you could ever wonder or want to learn about business is contained in a book somewhere—and you can track down anything that's not in one of those many books online.

Doesn't sound like we're making a great case for reading this book, does it?

Yet the truth is that although we've read a great number of books and are constantly reading blogs and other online sources, there still seems to be something missing to us. Sure, there are plenty of interviews with successful entrepreneurs all over the place; there are more than enough opinions about what you should and shouldn't do when starting and running a business; and there is even some helpful how-to style information here and there—for a price.

What's missing, as far as we can tell, is an approach that provides you with the information you need, explains how to implement that information, and also gives you some concrete examples of people who have applied the techniques presented—successfully. And that's why you need this book. We are not just presenting theories and feel-good stories about millionaire entrepreneurs. Instead, we're providing you with real value—information you can implement in your own company, whether you're in pre-start-up mode or already thriving and growing. We're also giving you real-life examples of other entrepreneurs who have used the same methods to start and ...

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