Chapter 1

Small Business Taxes 101


Bullet Appreciating the value of year-round tax planning

Bullet Understanding recent important tax law changes affecting small businesses

Bullet Checking on changes made by the SECURE Act of 2019 and COVID-19 relief bills

Bullet Looking ahead to possible upcoming tax law changes

Bullet Noting the various taxes you and your business pay

Even though I write about personal finances, including tax issues, I don’t particularly enjoy dealing with taxes. I would rather cut my lawn, take care of my neighbor’s dog, or even visit my dentist (for a routine cleaning). At least in all these cases, I know my time commitment is reasonably limited, and when I’m done, I’m satisfied that the job has been done well and I can move on to something else.

Filling out state and federal tax forms is often complicated and confusing. Because I write about taxes, I feel that it’s essential for me to complete my own income tax forms and returns, which forces me to wallow in the details as much ...

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