Small Group Facilitation: Improving Process and Performance in Groups and Teams

Book description

Small Group Facilitation presents a new, research-based framework for facilitation along with plenty of how-to's tools for putting into action. Unlike other resources, it focuses on the importance of group process. If you're a veteran facilitator, you'll gain tools for perfecting your craft. If you're a beginner, you'll gain a clear roadmap to success.

Table of contents

  1. Title
  2. Copyright
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Part One: Overview
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Small Group Facilitation
      1. Key Concepts
      2. What is Facilitation?
      3. Purpose of Facilitation
      4. Dual Roles
      5. Types of Groups
      6. Types of Teams
      7. Why Groups Are Important
      8. Summary
      9. References
    2. Chapter 2: How Groups Work
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Groups as an Open System
      3. Group Inputs
      4. Group Outputs/Outcomes
      5. Nature of Collaboration
      6. Task and Relationship Aspects of Groups
      7. Summary
      8. References
  7. Part Two: Framework for Facilitation
    1. Chapter 3: Description of the Framework for Facilitation
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Development of Framework
      3. Presentation and Description of Framework
      4. Suggestions for Use
      5. Summary
      6. References
    2. Chapter 4: Organization and Planning
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Asking Preliminary Questions
      3. Advance Planning
      4. Logistics
      5. After the Session
      6. Summary
      7. References
    3. Chapter 5: Communication
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Transfer of Meaning
      3. Active Listening
      4. Paraphrasing and Summarizing
      5. Clarifying Issues and Perspectives in Disagreements
      6. Asking Questions
      7. Importance of Nonverbal Communication
      8. Face and Body Language
      9. Paralanguage—It’s How You Say It
      10. Proxemics—Use of Space
      11. Summary
      12. References
    4. Chapter 6: Task
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Starting the Session
      3. Choice of Ground Rules
      4. Use of Appropriate Techniques
      5. Use of Technology/Groupware
      6. Keeping the Group Focused
      7. Patterns of Performance
      8. Member Task Roles
      9. Closing the Session
      10. Summary
      11. References
    5. Chapter 7: Relationships and Climate
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Creating a Supportive Climate
      3. Encouraging Group Involvement and Ownership
      4. Monitoring Group Dynamics
      5. Member Relationship (Maintenance) Roles
      6. Identifying and Managing Dysfunctional Behaviors
      7. Facilitator Preferences
      8. Summary
      9. References
    6. Chapter 8: Values and Ethics
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Definitions
      3. Values that Guide Facilitation
      4. Ethical Guidelines for Decision-making Groups
      5. Specific Concerns of Facilitators
      6. Applying Values to Practice
      7. Summary
      8. References
    7. Chapter 9: Conflict
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Nature of Conflict
      3. Importance of Climate and Ground Rules
      4. Types of Conflicts
      5. Focusing on Interests Rather than Positions
      6. Avoiding Groupthink
      7. Personal Values about Conflict
      8. Summary
      9. References
    8. Chapter 10: Creativity
      1. Key Concepts
      2. What is Creativity?
      3. Creative Problem Solving
      4. Stimulating Creativity in Groups
      5. Importance of Work Environment
      6. Trust as Related to Idea Generation
      7. Strategies to Stimulate Creativity
      8. Summary
      9. References
    9. Chapter 11: Techniques
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Definitions
      3. Principles
      4. Why Use Specific Techniques?
      5. How Techniques Are Categorized
      6. Format
      7. Summary
      8. References
  8. Part Three: Techniques for Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Strategic Planning
    1. Chapter 12: Techniques for Generating and Ranking Ideas
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Techniques for Generating Ideas
        1. Brainstorming
        2. Rules for Traditional Brainstorming
        3. Variations of Brainstorming
        4. KJ Method/Affinity Technique
        5. Delphi Technique
      3. Techniques for Ranking Ideas and Options
        1. Nominal Group Technique
        2. Modified Kepner-Tregor Method
      4. Summary
      5. References
    2. Chapter 13: Techniques for Focusing on Problems and Solutions
      1. Key Concepts
      2. Techniques for Focusing on Problems
        1. Fishbone Diagram
        2. Single Question
        3. Force-Field Analysis
      3. Definition of Terms
      4. Techniques for Focusing on Solutions
        1. Standard Agenda
        2. Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)
        3. Summary
        4. References
    3. Chapter 14: Techniques for Strategic Planning
      1. Key Concepts
      2. What is Strategic Planning?
      3. Focus on Analysis
        1. SWOT—Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
        2. Explanation of SWOT Terms
      4. Focus on Possibilities
        1. Appreciative Inquiry
      5. Focus on Uncertainty
        1. Scenario Planning
      6. Group Goal Setting
      7. Summary
      8. References
  9. Appendices
    1. Appendix A: Self-rating of Facilitator Competencies
    2. Appendix B: Memo of Agreement
  10. About the Author
  11. Index

Product information

  • Title: Small Group Facilitation: Improving Process and Performance in Groups and Teams
  • Author(s): Judith A. Kolb
  • Release date: January 2011
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9781599962283