Chapter 20
Power Supplies
‘We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.’
Stephen Vincent Benet, Litany for Dictatorships, 1935
Op-Amp Supply-Rail Voltages
It has been mentioned several times in the earlier chapters of this book that running op-amps at the slightly higher voltage of ±17 V rather than ±15 V gives an increase in headroom and dynamic range of 1.1 dB for virtually no cost and with no reliability penalty. Soundcraft ran all the op-amps in their mixing consoles at ±17 V for at least two decades, and op-amp failures were almost unknown. This recommendation assumes that the op-amps concerned have a maximum supply voltage rating of ±18 V, which is the case for the Texas TL072, the new LM4562, and many other types.
The 5532 is (as ...
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