14Appraise Assortment of IoT Security Optimization

Ayesha Hena Afzal

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, FET, MRIIRS, Haryana, India

14.1 Introduction

With an intensive literature survey, it can be concluded that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, digital and mechanical machines, objects, animals, or people. They all are provided with a unique identifier and can transfer data over a network without any involvement of human‐to‐human or human‐to‐computer interaction. An article published in an RFID journal in (1999) said: “Suppose if we have a computer that knows everything regarding to know about things with the help of all the relevant data gathered without human involvement.” Rise in devices connected to the Internet is represented in Figure. 14.1.

IoT is gaining attention, both in the workplace and the environment. Its main objective is not only to impact on how to live life, but also how to work. Now we will throw some light on what are the impacts of IoT on society? This will lead to incredible reduce of loss, cost, and waste. For example, it will help us to know when appliances need repair, recall, and replacement, and whether they are still considered as new or past their expiry dates. The popular example is a smart fridge; for example, what if your fridge could alert you that the milk is out‐of‐date or there is no milk. With the help of its internal camera, it can see there is no milk present or the carton has passed ...

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