Subject Index

Access control lists (ACLs), 307
Access technologies, 23
first architecture, 24
IEEE 802.15.3, 24
IEEE 802.15.4, 24
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, main characteristics of, 25
IEEE 802.11b, 25
advantage of, 25
IEEE 802.11g, 25
IEEE 802.11n, 25
IEEE 802.15.1 standard, 24
use of WPAN and WLAN, 24
second architecture, 25
use of WPAN only, 26
third architecture, 26
use of WPAN and WWAN, 26
Actions, 354
Active proxy delegation protocol, 72
Active Session Manager (ASM), 348
Active sessions, 348
Actuators, 82
Adjustable DNS Message Compression (ADMC), 86
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 173, 191, 331
Advanced public transportation ...

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