Chapter 2

Defining Smart Cities


check Seeing what makes a smart city

check Understanding the motivation for building smarter cities

check Comparing the “smart” needs of large and small cities

check Illustrating two smart city examples

There’s no globally agreed-on definition for the term smart city — which is surprising, given the increasing importance and maturity of the topic. Fortunately, some consistent themes can be found in smart city strategies from around the world that are in use by city leaders. This chapter describes common concepts accepted by the smart city community, and it covers misconceptions in order to help you understand what a smart city is not. I help you explore the motivation for building smart cities as well as the different needs of both large and small cities, and then I conclude the chapter by comparing two examples of smart cities.

Identifying Smart Cities

In my view, there’s really no such thing as a smart city. Wait — what? That’s certainly an odd comment from the author of a book about smart cities. Okay, let me explain. What I really mean is that there’s ...

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