Chapter 11

Imagining the City of the Future


check Discovering city strategies that focus on the environment, health, and inclusivity

check Exploring Earth Day

check Recognizing the need for big and bold ideas for communities

check Previewing the vision of Hyperloop and flying cars

Thinking about and imagining the future of cities is a necessary activity for many leaders, including national and city officials, academics, solution providers, and community stakeholders. The greatest challenge here is to ensure that you think big and think creatively. Whether it’s the intractable and frustrating challenges of urban transportation or the existential risk of the climate emergency, these types of issues won’t be solved by making small, incremental changes. The evidence suggests that some of the innovation necessary to build smart, sustainable, and resilient cities has yet to be invented and will require considerable research and investment.

In this chapter, I share why I believe that there’s reason to be optimistic, despite the extent of the urban problems yet to be solved. I help you explore ...

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