Appendix: Step Inside the World of Logo Design

Many moons ago, when a lens flare was still a twinkle in Adobe’s eye, logos existed. There was no software to help or confuse a designer—just pure creativity using traditional tools. Over time, logo design has evolved, but the function of the logo has remained the same.

Logo design is changing so quickly that what was once viewed as a single element of graphic design is now recognized as its own separate industry and profession. These changes have meant that the people who design logos have had to modify their design behaviors to keep up with the evolution.

In this appendix, I fill you in on the people who create the beloved logos you see every day. You’ll gain an understanding of just how far the industry has come since the inception of graphic design as a recognized profession. You’ll hear from a variety of designers about their thoughts on the industry today and where it’s headed.


The real roots of logo design technology are as simple as the human mind and a pencil, which are, of course, still used today. The only real difference between the first designers who picked up their pencils and the present-day industry is the introduction of the computer.

Leighton Hubbell (, an award-winning logo designer from Southern California, has been designing logos since the late 1980s. He shared with me his view on how computers have become an essential part of the everyday life of a professional designer: ...

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