Chapter 2: Overview of Mobile Technologies

In the world of technology, something is always on the horizon. The use of smartphones and mobile browsers is on the rise, and new technologies that make that experience better are launching every day. The whole mindset of mobile web developers has changed from designing websites for users with a mouse to designing them for the pointer finger.

In this chapter, you learn all about the new technologies that are enabling this type of development. I touch on HTML5 features that enable users to find locations, detect network access, manage local databases, and access session and local cache. These features allow you to offer better functionality and experience to your users.

I also discuss CSS3 and the new properties that allow your mobile web app to look and feel native with properties such as box shadow, rounded corners, gradients, and background sizes to handle large resolution displays. A common misperception about mobile web development is that you need a graphic designer to design your site, but you can achieve a professional looking design by using some new CSS3 elements.

Finally, you can transition into the use of JavaScript frameworks that work well with mobile web browsers, including jQuery, Sencha Touch, XUI, and others. The chapter also talks about some utilities, such as Modernizr, iScroll, and JavaScript Template libraries, all of which you can use to help make developing your app a breeze.

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