Chapter 10. Configuring and Managing Secure Data Sharing

Data sharing supports collaboration among business partners, provides opportunities to inform customers, and gives you a way to obtain real-time information from vendors and suppliers. Data sharing also provides opportunities for you to monetize your data. However, there are impediments to effective and efficient data sharing when using traditional data sharing options. For one thing, traditional data sharing options, such as FTP transfers, API calls, sending and receiving CSV files, and ETL tools and processes, often require building complex infrastructure.

Similarly, traditional data sharing approaches, which involve transferring data copies and reconstructing and storing duplicate data, are expensive. There is often no single source of truth with traditional data sharing options, and fewer actionable insights result from having delayed access to stale and sometimes incomplete data. Overcoming many of these sharing challenges, however, can be accomplished by using Snowflake’s Secure Data Sharing technology.

Secure Data Sharing makes it possible for data to be accessible via a live connection so that updated data is automatically available to data consumers in real time. The business logic, along with the data, can also be shared. In addition to being secure, efficient, and a great way to monetize data, Snowflake Secure Data Sharing comes with the peace of mind of knowing you can revoke access at any time.

These powerful ...

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