Chapter 1
Connecting Business Collaboration with Social Networking
In This Chapter
Understanding what social collaboration means
Moving beyond the “Facebook inside your company” slogan
Accessing new resources in social collaboration systems
Competing and coexisting with e-mail
Finding practical applications for social collaboration
We often talk about having a social life, separate from our work lives, recognizing that mingling the two can be hazardous. Social Collaboration For Dummies isn’t a book about being social at work, in the sense of flirting or sharing jokes. By social collaboration, I mean recognizing that business is inherently social, even when social interaction is constrained within the bounds of professionalism.
In this chapter, I help you understand what social collaboration is (and what it isn’t), outline some of the benefits of implementing a social collaboration system in your business, and suggest some ways that you can help colleagues shift from e-mail to social ...
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