Chapter 19
Top Ten Small Business Social CRM Vendors
In This Chapter
- Introducing the top small-business CRM firms
- Understanding the strengths and benefits of each platform
CRM isn't only for the big dogs. Small- to mid-size businesses can also use it to manage, track, and build relationships with customers. This includes the social media world where, if used correctly, small businesses can cut costs on marketing and build a community of advocates for their brand.
This chapter is for the small business owners who need a detailed and concise solution to manage client interactions, lead generation, customer service, and social relationship management. When it comes to delivering the software, the companies you learn about in this chapter are at the top of their game. Their software can help staff at a small- and medium-sized company more deeply understand and engage customers.
Nimble, whose website is shown in Figure 19-1, offers the small business solution that the world of social media and CRM has been waiting for. It helps you collect every piece of your online and offline relationships and store them in one place. With Nimble's social CRM software, you can send messages, add tasks, edit and download contact profiles, instantly find the social profiles of contacts, and view all activity — from e-mail messages to social conversations — with each contact. Nimble is one of those companies you just have to get to know.
Ken Hess, writer at ZDNet, said it ...
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