Chapter 1
Social Media Commerce and Your Bottom Line
In This Chapter
Understanding social business, social commerce, and social media
Monetizing through connections
Understanding how technology changes communication
Evaluating social media outreach versus tried-and-true marketing
Preparing your online strategy
Technologies change and, we hope, improve the way we do business, but the modes of transmission also change. What’s new is old — and what’s old is new.
Traditionally, news about a subject or product was broadcast through advertising, marketing, word-of-mouth, and even gossip. Broadcast media concentrated on manipulating customer emotions. The brands were king and often got away with calling the shots. Stores ran daily sales on one line of merchandise and then another to keep up with projected figures.
The public came to depend on promotions, and stores could sell little at a retail price. The continual fire sales lost their charm, and the practice dwindled. “You can fool some ...
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