Chapter 12
Making a Direct Hit with Mobile
In This Chapter
Creating a mobile-friendly website
Hiring someone to develop an app
Checking in with Foursquare
As of June 2012, 55 percent of mobile subscribers owned a smartphone and two out of three Americans who acquired a new mobile phone in the last three months chose a smartphone. Feature phones still sell but will certainly be going the way of the cassette player in a few years.
Did you know that 80 percent of those who own a smartphone won’t leave the house without it? They realize that they can save time and accomplish tasks on the run. Maybe they’re researching restaurants and making reservations for dinner tomorrow. Or perhaps they’re checking e-mail while picking up a pizza.
Tablets are flying off the shelves too, with nearly 100 million devices sold worldwide in 2011. This market is estimated to top $20 billion in 2012. Although tablets and smartphones will not replace PCs, they have basic computing power, a cheaper price point, and are uncomplicated to use. Best of all? They’re portable.
eBay Inc. President and CEO John Donahoe has said that
We now expect eBay and PayPal mobile to each transact $10 billion in volume in 2012 ...
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