Develop a SMM Voice without Silencing Other Voices That Support Your Brand

Surprisingly, for every brand that’s fearful about opening up to consumers, just as many go to the other extreme and inadvertently silence external voices. Your SMM voice is fundamentally about having a mechanism to talk to your consumers in a language and style that they understand. It’s a voice to talk to them in a more humane and personal manner.

You shouldn’t use your SMM voice to speak the loudest and most exclusively about your brand. Nor should you use it to silence your critics in a heavy-handed manner. To develop a strong SMM voice is to develop strong listening skills, a thick skin, and a nuanced understanding of how to respond to the fuming blogger, for example, without turning him off completely. You want to extend your reach and influence through others. Don’t try to do so by being the loudest or by becoming deaf. No one likes a bully.

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