Chapter 3: Finding the Right Twitter Tools
In This Chapter
Personalizing your page
Creating your profile
Using Twitter apps
Tweeting from your devices
Sure, you can do all your tweeting from your page at, but you’re limited as to what you can do there. Tools and applications, or apps, enhance your experience and take your page from ho-hum to something that’s intriguing, eye-catching, and unique.
In this chapter, we discuss the tools that will not only help make your Twitter experience even better, but we also suggest ways to take your Twitter profile page to a whole new level.
Customizing Your Twitter Page
Don’t overlook customizing your Twitter page, or else it’s just a page with no personality, giving others no reason to follow you. You see, unless potential followers know you, they don’t have much to go on. So they want to click your profile page and know immediately whether or not you’re worthy of a follow.
On your website, you take the time to create an About page that’s best representative of you and your brand (see Book III, Chapter 2). Your Twitter profile page, ...