Chapter 8
Marketing on Twitter
In This Chapter
Discovering Twitter basics
Understanding organic engagement
Using paid advertising
Discovering new tips and tricks
Few social platforms have had more explosive growth in the last few years than Twitter, the microblogging service. Twitter ( is similar to a blogging service, except that you’re limited to 140 characters per message, or tweet. Also, only people who follow you on Twitter see your tweets in their Twitter stream. You reply to other people’s tweets, forward their tweets, or send them direct messages. All your followers see anything that you tweet.
Today, Twitter has approximately 646 million active users around the world. More people create accounts on Twitter than they do on any other social platform — 135,000 new users every day. Unlike on Facebook, the largest social media platform, Twitter users are typically older. Although the total number of Twitter users is less than Facebook users, it is growing so rapidly and has such an influential user base that marketing on Twitter requires a specific discussion. ...
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