Chapter 25

Changing Tactics and Metrics


check Enhancing the customer experience

check Integrating marketing technology

check Utilizing artificial intelligence tools

Your customer’s buying behavior has changed. They evaluate your products on the channels they prefer and control when and how they buy. So, when behavior changes, the tactics and metrics to measure them must change. It’s time to rethink your marketing campaigns and begin to capture more of the data that matters. The good news is that technology advances have made it possible to track and measure this new behavior. The bad news is that you can’t coast along, continuing to capture the same analytics you did before and be successful.

There was a common myth several years ago that social media marketing wasn’t even measurable. Many a strategist said that you couldn’t measure the value of a conversation. These strategists believed that measuring a social phenomenon was difficult. The truth is that these days, social media marketing is as measurable as any other form of marketing.

Today, tools, techniques, and methods are available to measure social media marketing in all its media configurations (chatbots, video, and so on). ...

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