Chapter 3

Developing a Content-Marketing Strategy


Bullet Thinking about what you want to achieve with your content

Bullet Developing a content strategy

Bullet Outlining your strategy on paper

All content needs a plan. It’s not enough to write something and post it to your blog platform; you also want to take the time to plan your content so it makes sense. If you’re just posting without any clear direction, your content can become confusing, and your customers won’t know what actions to take.

Having a clear content-marketing strategy is even more important than the content itself. Without a plan, you won’t be able to see the big picture and you’ll be creating and posting without a result in mind. Having a strategy in place allows you to focus on traffic, sales, and growth. A strategy helps you know what kind of content to create and how to achieve the desired growth with that content.

In this chapter, we talk about putting a content-marketing strategy together to achieve your objectives.

Determining Content Goals

Because you’re reading this section, you’re probably thinking about starting a blog, podcast, or video series, and you want to learn how to do so to achieve a particular ...

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