Finding the Right Metrics Service

What do I mean by service? A metrics service is any program, site, or software that helps you keep track of your metrics. You probably have heard of several: Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Google+ Ripples, Klout, Twitter Grader, Radian6, MediaVantage (formerly DNA 13), CustomScoop, HootSuite Analytics, and hundreds of other sites and services that would take a chapter of their own to list (and still more would have cropped up by publication time — measurement is a hot topic in social media right now).

In the following sections, I take a look at a few of these metrics by type of measurement or service measured. This list is by no means complete! I’m just taking a snapshot of some of the options available to you right now. These simple tools can get you started with basic metrics.

tip.eps You may see a trend in freemium as a service model — where a service offers a free trial or a limited free version of its software with a paid version offering more functionality available. You’re not imagining things! It’s become quite popular over the last two years, though its success for companies seems to vary.


Hundreds of services claim to measure Twitter metrics and influence. In fact, Twitter itself offers metrics if you’re a brand that pays to advertise on Twitter via their Promoted Tweets, Promoted Topic, and such. However, most smaller brands have ...

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