Chapter 15
Creating a Crisis Management Resource
In This Chapter
- Dealing with the need for immediacy
- Building a resource for crises
- Maintaining control over the discussion
At this point, the purists in the crowd are likely saying, “Crisis management is not really a social media optimization issue.” Technically, the purists are right, but this chapter is here for one simple reason: If you get this part wrong, all your other efforts have just been wasted. Although crisis management may not technically be a part of everyday social media optimization (SMO), it's a crucial part of social media management and therefore has a place in this discussion.
A switched-on social media practitioner can make a difference for his company in crisis management. When a crisis or an emergency erupts, social media can deliver amazing benefits for your company. Admittedly, if everything is rosy and nothing serious ever goes wrong, company leaders probably will never fully appreciate your efforts to prepare for disaster. On the other hand, if something goes horribly wrong and crisis management becomes job one, prepare to be a social media hero.
Embracing the Tyranny of Immediacy
Murphy's Law is “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” One corollary to Murphy's Law is “When things go wrong, it will be at the worst possible time.” That sentence pretty well sums up our experience. Things never seem to go horribly wrong during business hours, midweek. Things go horribly wrong while you're sleeping, when ...
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