Chapter 16
Integrating SMO into Your Workflow
In This Chapter
- Creating a plan for SMO
- Staying on track by using the SMART principle
- Managing your social media presence
- Maintaining control of your social media accounts
- Staying on top of social media
Two key ingredients of the social media recipe are consistency and perseverance. There's no point putting time and effort into establishing a social media presence if you allow your accounts to go radio-silent. Most people get into social media with the best intentions but find that over time, they make fewer and fewer posts. Soon, the cobwebs set in, and their social media presence is officially dead. All is not lost, though! The secret of avoiding common pitfalls is arming yourself with a plan.
This chapter explains how to start your social media endeavors with a solid plan to make sure that you're successfully set up to be in it for the long haul. We break down the most important factors in getting down to the nitty-gritty and staying on track. The chapter includes some great tools to help you manage your social media accounts. Finally, we provide pointers on how to ensure that social media doesn't overrun your life.
Planning for SMO
As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. That's how the social media world is. It's not enough to set up your accounts, post a few times, and wait for the magic to happen. On the other hand, it's very easy to go overboard with your posts and end up burning yourself out. Neither option ...
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