Mzinga Writing Team
Development Lead, Social Intelligence Applications
Navdeep has more than 12 years of experience in software engineering, architecture, and development. He is responsible for architecting and developing the business and social intelligence, and the data mining and analytics that accompany Mzinga OmniSocial. He also designs the human and content relevancy models and networks, and the underlying social activity trend algorithms.
Web Design and Development
Erika has been designing, building, and marketing successful online communities for over ten years. Leveraging her years of experience in various marketing functions, Erika manages the corporate web site while also contributing in the areas of product design, development, and UI.
Vice President, Talent
Angie is responsible for driving the company's strategic and operational human resources initiatives, including performance management, organizational effectiveness, talent acquisition, and compensation and benefit programs. Angie is a champion for social workplace cultures that are collaborative, engaging, and rewarding.
Director, ...
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