Introduction: The Road Map to Digital Transformation
Definition of synergy: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
I use Aristotle's definition of synergy to outline your road map to a digital transformation inside your organization. I can't stress this enough: Social selling success is a team sport, not a showcase for great individual contributions. Great teams that act as one cohesive unit always win more championships than the teams that gather amazing individual talent on paper. If there are only a few anecdotes that you remember from this book, please remember this definition of synergy and how teamwork is always going to outperform individuals working in a vacuum.
Every organization, no matter how effective at traditional selling principles, will start its digital transformation from simple beginnings. For hundreds of technology companies in San Francisco, this evolution has already happened, but for many global financial services companies, the seeds have just been planted. No matter where your company is in the process, all companies will face the digital transformation in six stages. The question you must ask yourself is: Where is my organization in this progression?
Level 0: Status Quo
Your organization is complacent and will continue selling as it always has. You have not established with your sales team the mindset that social and digital communication will have a positive impact on the business. There is little to no buy-in from commercial ...
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