Chapter Thirteen

100+ Social Media Tools

Social media is in a constant state of flux, so to help us keep up with it all we need to use tools.

DailyTekk at does an incredible job of keeping an extensive and updated social media tools list. I use their list and descriptions while adding a few of my thoughts and favorites (check for updates at

Random, Must-See Social Media Tools

1. Bazaarvoice – Social commerce platform for ratings and reviews. (See Figure 13.1.)
2. HubSpot – Inbound marketing; a marketing hub for small business (*equalman fave).
3. – Analytics for social media.
4. TweetReach – How far did your tweet travel?
5. Contaxio – Contact management for your social networks.
6. PostPost – Awesome stuff gets lost on Twitter. Strip-search your time line.
7. SocialScope – A mobile inbox for your social networks.
8. NutshellMail – Delivers a social media summary to your e-mail inbox.
9. Amplicate – Find out what people love and hate on social media.
10. Bottlenose – A smarter way to surf the stream.
11. AddShoppers – Share rewards, measure results, add shoppers.
12. GroupTweet – Create a more dynamic Twitter account with multiple authors.
13. HowSociable – Measure your brand magnitude.
14. North Social – Quickly create and manage Facebook pages.
15. BrandMyMail – Include live social content in your Gmail e-mails.
16. CardMunch – LinkedIn app scans business cards to your contacts (*equalman fave).

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