Elementary Search Techniques
Key Concepts
8-queen problem, A* algorithm, ‘A’ algorithm, AND-OR graph, AO* algorithm, CNF-satisfiability, Admissibility, Adversarial search, Alpha-beta cut-off, Alpha-beta pruning, Backtracking, Backtracking depth-first search, Best-first search, Bidirectional search, Binary constraint, Blind search, Block world, Book moves, Breadth-first search (BFS), Constraint, Constraint graph, Constraint hypergraph, Constraint propagation, Constraint satisfaction, Control system, Crossword puzzle, Cryptarithmetic puzzle, Degree heuristic, Depth-first iterative deepening, Depth-first search (DFS), Difference-operator-precondition table, Exhaustive search, Final state, Forward checking, Game playing, Game tree, General ...
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