Chapter 7

Staying on Top of Things with Time Management


Bullet Getting a handle on your current time management

Bullet Managing your time rather than letting time manage you

You have 24 hours in each day. Not one more. Not one less. Money can’t buy you more time, and you can’t save time for a rainy day. You either use it or you lose it.

Successful people choose to use their time wisely. They make the most of their daily allotment of time both at work and in life. They understand that taking charge of their time puts them in charge of their lives.

In this chapter, I explain the importance of cultivating good time management skills and offer ways to use those skills to effectively take control of your life in a positive and productive way.

Don’t count every hour in the day. Make every hour in the day count.


Stepping on the Time Management Scale

A wise — and successful — person once said, “You can manage your money, or it can manage you.” The same is true with your time. A person who manages their time well is dependable, accountable, responsible, reliable, and punctual. Often, people who have good time management are also successful, largely because they get where they need to be on time. People who don’t manage their time well are often late to the party, so ...

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