Author Index

Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, and “t” indicate tables.


Abadi, D.J., 198, 262
Abatlevi, C., 64
Abawajy, J., 290, 299, 304
Abbott, Martin L., 15
Abraham, A., 247, 288
Ackley, D., 92
Adabi, S., 305
Addis, M., 311
Afrati, F.N., 262
Afzal, A., 313
Agarwal, D., 295, 296
Aggarwal, V., 154t, 157t, 158t, 161
Agrawal, D., 292, 293
Agrawal, G., 91, 92
Ahmad, I., 288
Ahmad, Y., 198
Aiyer, A., 64
Akgul, F., 190
Akhawe, D., 110, 111
Akiva, N., 198
Alaçam, O., 313
Albayrak, Sahin, 87
Albuquerque, A.B., 154t–157t, 158, 158t, 160, 161
Aldrich, J., 85, 86
Ali, M., 198
Ali, M.H., 198
Ali, Nour, 1–9, 391–401
Ali-ud-din Khan, M., 253
Alicherry, M., 110, 111t, 112
Alizadeh, M., 154t–156t, 158, 163
Alonso, J.M., 154t, 155 ...

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