Software Architecture Hour: Domain-Driven Design with Jessica Kerr

Video description

Join us for a special conversation on domain-driven design with Neal Ford and Honeycomb principal developer evangelist Jessica Kerr. They’ll discuss why domain-driven design is crucial to writing good software and explain how to apply the core principles of domain-driven design beyond just writing software, helping everyone who interacts with your architecture and application.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Learn the benefits of domain-driven design
  • See what’s coming next with software architecture

This recording of a live event is for you because…

  • You want the chance to ask Neal Ford and Jessica Kerr your questions about how domain-driven design can help you design better systems.
  • You want to better understand how domain-driven design will impact your business architecture.

Recommended follow-up:

Product information

  • Title: Software Architecture Hour: Domain-Driven Design with Jessica Kerr
  • Author(s): Neal Ford, Jessica Kerr
  • Release date: October 2021
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0636920640776