© Olga Filipova and Rui Vilão 2018
Olga Filipova and Rui VilãoSoftware Development From A to Zhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3945-2_5

5. Backend Development

Olga Filipova1  and Rui Vilão1
Berlin, Germany

We’ve come a long way! We hope you are as excited as we are because this is the first chapter where we’ll write code.

In the previous chapter we discussed the design implementation of our product. You saw how everything developed from the concept phase, passing by the flow, mockups, and wireframes until its final visual stage: pixel perfect.

In this chapter we are going to start our project by building our backend application that will support everything needed by the frontend application later. We will start by bootstrapping the project, so ...

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