Appendix A. So Long and Thanks – Where To Go from Here
What we've covered
Well, I think we're about done.
Our journey over the last three hundred pages (or thereabouts) has taken us through most of the development options in SAP HANA.
This book was split up into four main parts:
- Chapters 1 and 2: Introduction and installation
- Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6: Database development in SAP HANA
- Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10: Ancillary functions useful to most developments
- Chapter 11: The XS Engine for website development
Let's take a quick moment to see what we learned together.
In Chapter 1, So, What Is This SAP HANA Thing Anyways?, we looked at the architecture of SAP HANA. We saw that it is a massively parallel, in-memory database which uses column-based storage and ...
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