6.3. The animation cascade
This section discusses how the CPopApp:animateAllDocs(dt) cascades its calls down to the simulation objects of each open document.
Sequence diagram of the animation
In this subsection we’ll give a description of the animation process and then we’ll draw a UML sequence diagram of it.
First let’s write out in words a description of how the animation process works.
The CPopApp::OnIdle function makes a call to the CPopApp:animateAllDocs(dt).
The cPerformanceTimer tick() method returns the time dt elapsed since the prior update.
CPopApp:animateAllDocs(dt) steps through the list of open CPopDoc documents and for each of these documents calls a CPopDoc::stepDoc(dt) function.
Firstly, CPopDoc::stepDoc(dt) calls the cGame::step(dt) ...
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