Review questions

A Draw a UML diagram to show the relation between the classes cCritter, cCritterArmed, and cCritterBullet.
B How does the cCritterArmed::update method know when to shoot a bullet, and how does it prevent you from shooting the bullets too close together?
C What steps take place when cCritterArmed::shoot is called?
D Why do we need a cBullet::initialize method in addition to the cBullet constructor?
E How does cBullet::collide make use of the cBullet::isTarget method?
F Why do bullets by default have a higher _collidepriority value than regular critters?
G How does the cCritter::damage method avoid having a critter getting damaged two times in a row by two nearby bullets?
H What causes a cCritterArmedRobot to keep shooting, and what ...

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