Chapter 6

Scrum at the Project Level

Use Scrum when necessary, such as when you have an immediate opportunity or a catastrophic project. This chapter will help you understand how to start immediately, without fuss or overhead. You will learn how to get value every 30 days.

Organizational impacts need not be considered. Short-term benefits are paramount, not the long-term improvement of the organization. Benefits will accrue rapidly. The Scrum project is conducted in isolation from traditional practices and processes, using only what brings value to the work.

Bottom-Up and Stealth Scrum

Over the past 20 years, many Scrum projects have been run at the bottom of the organization, out of sight. A project team would try Scrum and generate impressive results. Another team would try it, and soon pockets within the organization would be developing software more quickly and more frequently. Pretty soon Scrum projects would appear throughout the organization.

We call this Scrum PRN.1 Just as the administration of p.r.n. medication is left to the nurse/caregiver or patient's prerogative, Scrum PRN is the answer when an important opportunity or critical challenge arises and software is needed quickly. It can be deployed immediately. Exceptions to the usual way of getting things done are allowed in order to meet a crisis or seize an opportunity. Use of Scrum PRN does not require permission. Its authority is the immediate need for software.

Benefits and Discoveries

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