11Wi-Fi and 5G

Standardization of 5G is a two-phase process. The first phase was finalized in 2018. This was the radio part. The second phase will end in June 2020. This second phase deals with the core network, which is the most important revolution in 5G. However, it is possible, even now, to obtain a fairly clear picture of what 5G will offer, by looking at the numerous testing environments. Figure 11.1 represents the different steps to achieve 5G. Starting from the origin of mobile networks, there was analog circuit-switched 1G, then digital circuit-switched 2G, followed by digital packet-switched 3G, with the exception of operator voice signals. With 4G, we see the move to 100% IP technology, even for voice signals, and 4G also handles multimedia applications. Finally, 5G offers increased data rates, critical missions and the connection of billions of devices.


Figure 11.1. The different generations of wireless networks

In Figure 11.1, we also see two other directions taken by wireless networks. The first is WiMAX (IEEE 802.16). However, this initiative failed – not so much from the technological standpoint, but definitely so from the political perspective. Given the power of mobile network operators, who have chosen the 3GPP as a standardizing body, WiMAX disappeared before the visible trend from 1 to 5G. The second direction is Wi-Fi, with billions of access points and ...

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