Chapter 7 Verification and Validation

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • understand what is meant by verification and validation (V&V);
  • understand the benefits and costs of applying V&V techniques;
  • understand the traceability technique and its usefulness;
  • learn about the IEEE 1012 V&V standard and models used in industry;
  • understand the processes and activities of V&V;
  • understand the activities of the software validation phase;
  • learn how to develop and use a V&V checklist for your project;
  • understand how to write a V&V plan for your project;
  • learn about the V&V tools available;
  • understand the relationship between V&V and the software quality assurance plan.

7.1 Introduction

In an article about safety, Leveson [LEV 00] brilliantly explains the dangers of modern software-based systems. The following text box summarizes her thinking.

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