split — Split a File into Pieces


/usr/bin/split [-linecount | -l linecount][-a suffixlength][file [name]] 
/usr/bin/split -b n[k|m][-a suffixlength][file [name]] 


The split command reads file and writes it in linecount -line pieces into a set of output files. The name of the first output file is name with aa appended, and so on lexicographically, up to zz (a maximum of 676 files). The maximum length of name is two characters less than the maximum file-name length allowed by the file system. See statvfs(2). If you specify no output name, x is used as the default. Output files are named xaa, xab, and so forth.


-linecount | -l linecount Specify the number of lines in each piece. Default is 1000 lines.
-a suffixlength ...

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