Chapter 14. Assembly Configurations and Display States


  • Using Display States

  • Understanding assembly configurations

  • Creating exploded views

  • Tutorial: Working with assembly configurations

Assembly configurations enable you to control many things, including part configurations, suppression, visibility, color, and assembly feature sizes. They also allow you to control assembly layout sketch dimensions, mate values, suppression states, and several other items. What you will learn in this chapter about assembly configurations builds on the information in Chapter 10, which discusses part configurations. In this chapter, you will also learn how design tables are used in conjunction with SolidWorks assemblies.

Display States are a better performance alternative to using configurations to control visibility of parts in assemblies. I discuss Display State options at length in this chapter.

Using Display States

Users have always been able to show parts transparent and shaded at the same time, and a common workaround for combining Shaded and Wireframe modes has been to display the parts as Shaded with Edges, but to make some parts completely transparent. This gives the effect of some parts being shown in Wireframe mode. Because of Display States, this workaround is no longer necessary.

Display States also allow you to change between visualization modes more quickly than configurations. Configurations require a lot of data to be saved and accessed for each config, which can cause big delays ...

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