Chapter 4: Building Efficient Assemblies
In This Chapter
Setting apart the elements of an assembly Increasing performance by using SpeedPaks Organizing assemblies by using subassemblies Grouping parts and mates by using folders Showing names and descriptions with tree display options Employing helpful assembly tools Arranging assemblies tutorial Managing the FeatureManager tutorial
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the basics of assemblies, the basics of mating, and so on. The process for putting assemblies together remains the same for assemblies of any size, but once the assembly passes a certain point — and this point is likely different for each user or application — the assembly will benefit from some sort of organization or management techniques. This chapter introduces you to the tools and techniques that are available to help you manage performance issues as well as general-use issues, efficiency, browse-worthiness, and searchability.
Identifying the Elements of an Assembly
From Chapter 1, you know that an assembly can contain parts and mates, and real-world assemblies can become very complex. As the number of parts and design requirements for an assembly grows, you may need to add some of the following types of assembly elements:
• Assembly equations
• Assembly layout feature
• Assembly layout technique
• Assembly reference geometry (plane, axis, point, coordinate system)
• Parts
• Subassemblies
• Folders for parts
• Folders for mates
• Mates
• Assembly features ...